Keoki's Top picks to help you find the love you deserveProbably our second most popular resolution after losing weight is finding our one true love, or if we've found them, wanting to make our relationships better, stronger, and last longer. Wether you're looking for love, or wondering where the love is, we can help you make this a year full of love! First things first, it all starts with the
SELF - You've heard it a million times. You can't find love until you learn to love yourself. But think about it....if you don't like who you are, you probably don't realize that that energy is causing a block! In order to unblock your energy, you have to fall in love again, with YOURSELF. When you can see yourself as wonderful and special, others will definitely take notice and agree with you. This is also great for people who are already in relationships and tend to give too much of themselves. This intention candle will help you fill your own cup back up so you have more to share. LETTING GO - This is about forgiveness. When we can release pain, anger and disappointment, we can fill ourselves with positive loving energy. But first, we have to be willing to let go. Letting go is a vital step in the healing process because it clears our energy of negative patterns that we do not want to repeat. Being able to forgive ourselves and those who have hurt us is the most important step on the path to attaining healthy love relationships. VENUS- Who better than Venus the planet of love and beauty to help you find all the things that are sweet and wonderful in life. With peppy peppermint and seductive chocolate, she's sexy, beautiful, and breath of fresh air...just the kind of vibes you need to attract the kind of love you want. ROMANTIC ROSE - Like bathing in magical rose quartz water, this attraction spray helps you bloom to your best everyday. This is highly charged attraction in a bottle. Notice: people are nicer, more people are smiling at you, people want to be next to you. This is great! Especially when you're wanting the object of your affection to notice you - and trust us they will. Use liberally and often.
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Believe it or not, the right intention can help.Losing weight is probably one of the most popular resolutions of the New Year. This year, we've got some tips to keep you motivated and on track to meeting your goals, and feeling positive about your progress. Here are Keoki's suggestions for when you intend to lose weight this year. SUN - Powered with solid drops of sunshine in the form of Citrine, this grapefruit scented powerhouse will shed some positive vibes on your progress while you shed those pounds. Losing weight can be challenging, which is why you'll need the power from our Universe's biggest battery to give you just the boost you need. SATURN - Make healthy a habit. Saturn is the teacher of the planets, and he wants to make sure you learn your lesson. After all, it is truly for your own good. The rings of Saturn are representative of cycles. Use the energy of Saturn to start healthy and long lasting behaviors and cycles that will last the rest of your life. RELEASING - An important part of losing weight is staying positive and releasing negative emotions which can keep the pounds packed on. Spray, spray, spray away that pesky pessimism, or those nay-saying Nancy's that make you feel heavy. When your energy clear and clean, you make better and healthier decisions and can be present in the moment. This is important when you're staring that cookie in the face....not bothered, and not binging. NOW - We see nothing wrong with using a little reiki energy to speed time up! Quick weight loss isn't always the best course of action, but sometimes you want to see results Now. Use now when you want to kick start your new program or you've hit a plateau and need and need a breakthrough. Sometimes the energy just needs a little push, like we do getting onto the treadmill. Use Now to set a date for your goal, and make it happen ahead of schedule. New Career or New Found Purpose. You decide!You've decided. THIS YEAR you're finally quitting that dead end job and finding the career of your dreams. Or maybe you love the career path you're on, but you're looking for a way to renew your enthusiasm for who you are and what you do. Here are Keoki's suggestions for getting the job you truly want, and gaining more value in the workplace. PROFITABLE LABOR - When you're fairly compensated for the work you do, you feel good about what you're doing and how you're spending your time. If you're not pleased with those things, the side of this candle is where you'll ask the universe for your raise!
ROMANTIC ROSE SPRAY & CANDLE - If you've lost that loving feeling, Keoki suggests this pair to get you on par to getting noticed again. Roses ATTRACT, so what better way to get the positive attention you need to give you an edge at the office? Usually, we use these for love but they're also amazing when you're trying to attract the right clients and opportunities, or to help people see you in a positive light. The Romantic Rose spray is especially helpful if you deal with the public often or are in sales. JUPITER - The planet of luck, happiness and abundance will make sure whether you choose to stay or go, all the right people, circumstances, and negotiations go your way. Jupiter has the added benefit of containing blue goldstone which adds fortune and fame to the list of blessings the BIG planet will bestow you with. If Jupiter had a mantra, it'd be, "everything always works out in my favor." This planet is so generous, it probably won't mind if you borrow it. Annual Holiday
Pop-up Shop!December 16, 2018Aloha Elixir x House of IntentionIt's our favorite time of year! We're opening the doors at Aloha Elixir HQ for our annual holiday pop-up shop! Join Keoki of Aloha Elixir, and some of our great friends as we celebrate the season of giving. There'll be plenty of food, fun and festive intentional gifts for all. Invite the whole 'Ohana for this once-a-year event. In addition to the regular line up, we'll have NEW limited edition collab intention candles, jewelry, and $5, $10, and $15 pick up gifts including carefully curated crystals, incense, pendulums, oracle decks and more!! |
June 2020